Mag Bay fishing has been exceptional this
last week. We only had two days where the wind
kept our clients in the mangroves, but ever there
the fishing was great. There were some very
big yellowtail tuna in the deeper water.xceptionith
great catches of Yellowfin Tuna, a few Marlin,
Wahoo, and some impressive Grouper.
e, the Mangroves have been producing spectacular
results, with plenty of Red Snapper and Grouper,
along with some impressive Snook and White Sea Bass.
We had a large group fishing in Mag Bay last weekend, including the boss, his wife, and Eddie (our newest addition to our staff). From the picture below I am sure all had a good time and caught a ton of fish.
Fishing in Mag Bay is wide open and the Ondre Piernas group along with Mark and Cindy Reynoso got in on the action this week. One of Ondre's tuna's weight in at 33.8 lbs.
This last week we had some very happy guys in Mag Bay. The fishing was very good and a lot of coolers were filled.
It was all about Dorado this last weekend in La Paz.
Mag Bay season is well underway and it's been great days with very happy catches of lot of Tuna, Grouper, Marlin and Pargo.
This last week our friends and clients had some very good fising days.
It was a mixed bag for the guys today with a marlin, groupers and even a wahoo.
It was a day where our clients went after groupers in La Paz and they landed some very big ones. The largest one was 54 pounds and the other onces were slighty smaller but they put up a good fight.
New groups of clients and more good catches
Our clients are hauling in some big catches day after day.
It was another good couple days for our clients
It is hard to belive that we are still catching yellowtail into August but that is what our clients are doing.
Let me start with saying that I am sorry for not publishing updated fish reports for the last couple months but my computer had to be replaced. That given, the last few weeks have been very productive for our clients as shown below.
This last week our friends and clients continued to have very good fishing.
Today was all about yellowtail.
The fishing over the last couple weeks has been very good for everyone fishing in La Paz.
Beth Wilccox caught a very nice grouper today and Paul and Lynden Brown got a pretty good pair of dorado.
La Paz has continued to produce some very nice fishing.
The yellowtail bite contiues in laz Paz with some very nice size fish being caught.
It has been another good week at La Paz.
We had some happy clients fishing La Paz this last weekend.
The season has opened in La Paz for our friends and clients and they didn't waste any time catching some very nice yellowtail.
The last couple days our clients fishing in Mag Bay have continued to catch some nice fish.
It was party time in Mag Bay after a great day of fishing in Mag Bay today.
With more and more clients fishing in Mag Bay it is easy to see how good the fishing there is.
It was another good day for our clients fishing in Mag Bay for wahoo and tuna.
Another happy group fishing Mag Bay today.
Mag Bay fishing is still wide open and clients are filling their coolers again today.
It was another good fishing day for the Big Tails group in Mag Bay.
The Big Tails group show off their catch that the group caught in Mag Bay.
There are more than groupers being caught in Mag Bay as shown here, a 9 lb. triggerfish and a beautiful snook.
Jeff Nicholson and his party got into the Pirate Mode and went after dorado in La Paz.
It was a fun filled day at Mag Bay again today.
All we can say is it was just another great day of fishing in Mag Bay!
The last two weeks of fishing in Mag Bay have been a fisherman dream and it is only getting better each day.
The Rick Thurston party had four great days of fishing in Mag Bay and they really went home with a load of fish.
Our friend and client caught a very nice dorado fishing in Bag May.
Our Mag Bay season opened in September and we had our first two clients. They fished for the last two days and landed a boat load of fish.
We had some our clients today land some very big dorado.
When the weather travelled up the western coast of Mexico, the L Paz harbor was shut down of one day. When it opened our client hit the water and had very productive days of fishing.
Just another great day of dorado fishing.
Today's catch shows that dorado are the fish being targeted.
With the warmer water the bigger dorado are now here and clients are catching them daily.
It was anothe good day for dorado fishing ans witnessed by these pictures.
The dorado bite continues to be what our clients want to catch and they are efforts net good results.
Our friends and clients caught some big Dorado the last few days.
The John Lowery group all show off their catch for the day.
With summer now in full swing it has brought in the warmer waters and with it the larger dorado and our friends are catching some very nice ones.
James Powers and our captain JR show off James' catch for the day.
This weekend was the first annual Greg Spangler Dorado Tournament and from their picture it was a success.
It is official the big Dorado are here in La Paz! This one was caught by one of our good friends today.
The randy Black group showed off their yellowtail catch, yes we are still catching yellowtail.
The William Colby group also got in on the yellowtail bite today.
Today was all about groupers. Captain Peooe shows off a grouper caught today and the William Colby party show off thier catch.
Just another outstanding day for yellowtail fishing. This time it was members of the Kelly Short's party.
Over the weekend our friends and clients had another great catch of yellowtail.
This last week has been nothing other than fun in the sun here in La Paz for our friends and clients. Not only did they load up on some very good fishing but they had a blast checking out thing to do wile not fishing.
The Spangler group did it again today!
Jim Jussup and Nicki Marr joined us for fun in the sun and got some nice fish to take home.
Steve Wood, Samanthe Wilson, Shawn Wilson and Greg Spangler also fished today and caught some nice yellowtail.
Jim Kearney's group got in on the yellowtail bite and proudly show off their catch.
The 2023 season has started off with a bang for clients fishing for yellowtail with everyone filling their coolers. In the last week we had many return frients fishing with us and enjoying the wide open bite.
To close out our 2022 season we had a large group join us and they had a blast and loaded up on fish.
Ken Clark and his group of friends joined us and fished out of "Mag Bay" to close out our 2022 season.
We had some friend from Alaska who came down to fish in the warm waters of La Paz and they hit the mother load of Doarda.
We also had a group who fished "Mag Bay" over the weekend and they really loaded up their coolers.
The dorado bite continues to be good and clients are loading up on them.
The last couple days has been yet another great time for fishing with Baja Pirates.
It was a very good day with clients catching dorado, wahoo and marling.
Bill, Mike and Stever had yet another great day fishing "Mag Bay." It looks like they are going be taking a lot of fish home with them!
We have been telling our clients that we expanded fishing by going to Mag Bay, well Bill Stewart, Mike Rossi and Steve McSween took us up on going there. From the following photos you can see that we weren't kidding about the great fishing there.
The dorado bite continues to be very good for those targeting them.
This last week has been very good for clients fishing with us.
Richard Allen had an outstanding day fishing for dorado.
It was a family trip and everyone had a great time and they even caught some fish to go along with the family time.
An the dorado bite continues to be very good today.
It was a good day for the guys fishing for dorado today.
Ralf Stevens and his son proudly show off each of their big catches, then Linda and Edward Martin show off their big dorado.
Linda and Edward Martin along with Ralf Stevens and his son all scored good fishing today.
The last couple days have been pretty good for those fishing for Dorado. The Facrkell family, the Thourston family, The Christiano family and Carrie Robnet all got in on the action.
This week has been good for clients fishing for Dorado. The Boswell family show off their catch then Rick and Jeffery Thurston along with Scott and Mike Fackrell show their catch.
The last couple days has been pretty good for our clients fishing.
David DeCristoferson and Bryden Berta went today for those hard fighting borrom fish.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore show off a good size female dorado today.
Today the word was "Dorado" and our clients took it to heart!
First off I am sorry for not posting for almost a month but sickness keep my away. The fishing has been good to very good while I was away and today clients did very good catching dorado.
All of us at Baja Pirates are mouring the loss of a great friend and client. Mike "The Barber" Youngblood has just recently passed away. Mike, through his many many trips to Laz Paz, has introduced many new anglers to Baja Pirates and to La Paz. You will be truly missed!
It was another good day of fishing for our clients today.
Joe and Alec Stitck enjoyed a good day of fishing that included yellowtail, dorado and a big Roosterfish.
Well it is June and as always the Dorado are in and the numbers are high for our clients!
A large group from Mid-Valley Construction Inc. joined us this week for some good fishing and they did pretty good.
Today our clients and friends scored good on both bottom fish and yellowtail.
The good bit continues well into May for all of our clients.
It looks like this group had a lot of fun fishing with us today!
Our clients continued to catch some very nice big fish today.
The "Catch of the Day" goes to Rick and Jennifer Martin.
We coninue to see our clients filling coolers with good eating fish this week.
More happy clients enjoying La Paz fishing.
Another beautiful day in La Paz with clients showing off their catch.
More clients joined us on Easter and enjoyed some good fishing.
And the bite continues!
Just another great day for our friends fishing for yellowtail, it just keeps getting better and better.
Today was a good day for; Jeffry Schuh, John McMahon, Steve, Pricilla, Daniel Calleros and Dr. Jose Lopez and Dr. Flores.
Today was all out yellowtail fishing and everyone got in on the action.
Just another good day of fishing!
Fishing is now wide open and clients are loading coolers with good eating fish.
William and Lou show off their catch of yellowtail.
Al Gussin and Nick Anderson proudly show off the catch today.
Jason Laboki shows off a nice pargo he caught today.
The Lazier and Leitz famlies scored on yellowtail today.
Our good friends from Eagle Charters in Alaska joined Leonard for some fishing in La Paz and they not only had a good time but loaded up on yellowtail while doing so.
Tim and Gail had a fun filled day yesterday fishing with us.
From the looks on our guest today they had fun fishing with us and will be taking home some good eating fish.
March continues to be a good start for the 2022 season as shown in the follwoing photos.
It looks like our wish for the 2022 season is proving true given the results for our clients.
Another good day of fishing for our clients.
Again the start of 2022 is looking good for those who have kickoff the session with us.
The O'Donall party helped us start out the 2022 season and in doing so had a blast and started filling their coolers on the first day of fishing.
Greg Bolton and Ray Waymans show off their catch today.
The Bolton from Baja Mil 2021 gathered for some fun and fishing today.
Mark and Cindy Reynoso had a great day catching Wahoo while fishing with Captains Juan and Gabriel.
Linda and Paul Brown with Mark and Cindy Reyenso enjoyed some great fishing during our maiden trip to Mag Bay today.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicolaisen show off the marlin they landed today
James Carroll caught a nice pair of Dorado today.
Glyn Pluhiere shows off a big bull Dorado he just caught.
Charles and Steve show off their big catch of fish today.
Victor Devine and Denisse show off a nice pair of Dorado they caught.
Lyyn and Melinda Prulhiere show off their good catch of Dorado today.
Willie Johnston, Sirus Varabzader and Josh Cooper landed some nice Dorado today.
And yet another good day for Justin Brennan!
Justin Brennan had another good day of fishing today.
Glyn and Melinda Prulhiere proudly show off their catch of dorado today.
It was a every enjoyable weekend for oour friends that included but not limited to; Tim and Gail Powers, Brent and Scott, Nick and Will, Nolon King and everyone else.
Nick and William had another good day of fishing today.
Nick Mraz and William Culley show off their catch for today.
Lynda and Randy Lawfer along with Captain Memo show off their catch.
Mr Marvin shows off several Dorado he caught today.
Randy and Lynda Lawfer show off a marlin Randy caught and a ice dorado Lynnda caught today
Today was a good day of fishing for our clients and friends. Pictured below are: Gilbert Gomez on the boat with a nice dorado; Cory Slack on the dock with his big dorado; Kevin Schinman on the dock with another dorado; William and Mervin on the dock with four dorados; Earl Thomas and Ralf Crayton on the dock with four more dorados and Donnie, Kevin and Cory with their dorado catch.
Mr. Genzmould had another good fly fishing.
Bonnie and Kevin Schinman and Cory Slack landed a few nice Dorado today.
Mr. Genzmould caught a nice Dorado while fly fishing.
Jonathan and Peter Jensen fished with Captain Memo and they caught some good size Dorado.
Gary, Cassandra, Scott and Teresa proudly show off their day for the day.
Alex Fawcet and friends had good luck fishing today
Michael Triano, Herb Pressler and Scott Southerland had a good day, today.
Ciro and Andrea show off a nice Roosterfish they caught today and Mr. Fenten and Pann show off a pair of Dorado they caught today.
Well the guys have finished their last day with us and they loaded up on fish.
Larry, Jeremy, Ryan, Patrick and John had a very good day of fishing.
Stephen Artis' group continued to load up on fish.
Tyler Tull, Jack Tull,Patrico, Warren, Arciery, Thomas Yee all had a good day fishing today.
Mike Rossy, Phil Roth, Scott Kim, Brian Zeterquist, William Stuwart, and Jack McGuire are pictured following with their catch today.
Pat Ferguson and Miguel Gonzale proudly show off their catch in the following photos.
Our own Kamila landed a 38# pound Dorado today. She had become an outstanding angler!
Today the remnants of tropical storm Enrique passed us by with no structual damage and we are again fishing. Ariel Almanza and Dan Campbell joined in on the fishing and show off their catch.
It was a good day fishing for Mr. Coriel, Mr. Hamilton and Kevin and Bonnie Schinman.
The John Jacobson group proudly show off their catch for the day.
Kelly Short's group enjoy a cool one after a day of good fishing.
Troy Bloom, Troy Iietz, John Kreig, Jerry Jordon, Phil Harrison,Mark Hiwahiro, Sean Kim, Paul Iisac, and John Marshall all had some good fishing today.
It was another good day fishing. 1. John Marshall, 2. Thyane Berry and Brian Burger, 3. Mr. and Mrs. Krieg, 4. Tom Grossnickle, Jerry Jordon and Phil Harrison.
Mart Iwahiro and Sean King show off their catch for today.
Another day of good fishing for the Regner group topped off with a nice tuna caught by Todd Littlefield.
The Tom Regner group had another great day of fishing.
Tom Regner, Dale Johnson, Dan Johnson, Hunter Johnson, Todd Littleton, Keith Melher, Nathan Zeleski, Jim Lyanll and Adam Lyanll all joined us today then fished and shared "fish stories"
Yesterday we had a big group of guys fishing with us that included Phillip Deneau, Dwight Wise, Dante Maestri, James Emmons, Gary Shondeck, Mike Daugherty, Marshal Taylor and Roy Jones. The loaded up come quality fish.
John and Angela Elgee along with Sharon, Rebecca and Alexa had fun in the sun fishing today.
The group from American Heros returned again this year and they did very, very good fishing today.
Larry Rau, Andrew Rau and Casey Cooper had a great day fishing with us today.
Will Townsend had the catch of the day with his 32# Yellowtail.
John Vanhorn and Leigh Messinides fished with Captain Memo today and show off their catch here:
Jose Troitino fished with Captains Jesus and Felipe and enjoyed the good fishing and company.
Well Greg Spangler had his fishing day to remember today. He landed a 147# Yellowtfin Tuna while fishing with Captain Jesus.
The fishing pressure has continued to be ligth and our clients have enjoyed these conditions. Greg Spangler and Ivonne Bunch along with Arpat Kovacs had a great day.
Don and Maria Carpenter and Gail Powers had another great day and really loaded up with Dorado.
Don Carpenter landed a nice bull Dorado toay.
It was another good day for our friends and clients, nice big dorado and even a big marlin. Fishing today were Susan Travers, Mike Fontes and Mr. and Mrs. Nicolaisen.
We had a large group of clients and friends fishing today that included; Yvonne Bunch,, Kyle Goffney, Warren Fairbanks, Matthew Fare, Bob Lewis, Kenneth Clark Jr., Billy Frazier, Travis Theunissen, Jeff Lawrence and Steve and Gary Liavingston. All had a great time and loaded their coolers.
The guys did it again today.
Today was Dorado day for Ondre, Carlye, Dave, Louie, Andre, Harley, Charles, Chase and Mario
Another good day of fishing for our clients.
Athila Kovac and his father had a great time fishing with us today.
Jesus Holgin and Genaro Pena had a very good day fishing.
Baja Pirates had a mini tournament between captains and clients and the results speak for themself.
A good day of fishing!
Another big Dorado catch.
Today the fishing was again good for our friends.
Markus Burger, Arian Sorkhab and Scott Spencer had fun fishing with us on Sunday and came back wiht a nice catch.
Jack McGuire and Bryan Zeterquist also fishing today and show off a pair of Dorado they caught.
Mike Rosi also fished today and he shows off his pair of Dorado.
Another good day for those fishing with Baja Pirates today.
Today was a good day for all our friends.
Patricia Santivanes and her husband caught a nice pair of Dorado today.
The Okimi group landed a nice Dorado today.
Joe Aciery and Ron Stomberg show off their catch for the day, then Ron shows off his very first marlin catch.
The Olivas group caught one bull and two female Dorado today.
Arciery cuaght a nice Pargo today.
Glen's son caught a Dorado of his own today.
Glen Gomez family and frend caught some very nice Pargo out of the La Paz dock.
Also fishing today was the Ferguson group and they loaded their coolers with Amberjack and Pargo.
Well father and son Knovak did it again today out of Las Arena, what a catch!
Athila Knovac and his father fished in Las Arenas and loaded up on Yellowtail and a Dorado.
The "Catch of the Day" goes to this nice Dorado.
Ted Wolf had a good day fishing for Cabrilla and Pargo.
As reported before we are up an running and seeing clients. Today's "Catch of the Day" goes to a pair of big Dorado.

The first photos of clients have arrived and this one shows two happy guests with their bags packed with 27# of cleaned and frozen dorado. We have had several groups fishing ahead of them who didn't want us to take photos and we missed the opportunity to take these two guys' catch before they were cleaned. We will try harder to take ane show more of clients catch in the future Like the USA, La Paz is now under a shelter in place order. Casinos, restaurants, harbors and all public gatherings are closed or prohibited. The good thing is the virus has been slow in showing up here in southern Baja, lets hope that continues.
These new restriction and the spring winds have kept almost everyone on land. A few pangueros havee been out subsistence fishing and yes the reports is good to excellent for Yellowtaim, Snappers and Cabrilla. Bait is plentiful and fishermen are sarce. Now we just need to get back out there, although it looks like it will be June before we can retune to normal operations. at the moment we are scheduling our clients into the summer and fall season. We wish you all good health and happiness thru these trying times. The good news is fish don't get or carry the covid!
Russ McKnight had a great time fishing with us this week as you can see from his pictures.
Jason Shearer shows off one of the Dorados he caught today.
Derrick Wyatt also shows off one of his Dorados caught today.
The guys from Mid Valley Construction loaded up on Dorado today.
The first photos of clients have arrived and this one shows two happy guests with their bags packed with 27# of cleaned and frozen dorado. We have had several groups fishing ahead of them who didn't want us to take photos and we missed the opportunity to take these two guys' catch before they were cleaned. We will try harder to take ane show more of clients catch in the future.
2020 Season Starter Report
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